Scoring and risk assessment

Driving scores to measure and reduce road risk

We use the fundamental laws of physics combined with data science to measure and reduce road risk. 

Illustration of the scores measuring driving

Clear and fair indicators



We measure safe driving with a simple and universal approach that considers vehicle dynamics, vehicle characteristics and contextual driving conditions.


Our platform identifies driving events that reveal a policyholder's driving style. It detects hard brakings and harsh accelerations with several levels of severity. It also assesses road adherence that is the adherence coefficient between the tire and the road.

Distracted driving

Phone distraction

Using a smartphone while driving significantly increases road risk and accident rate.

Our distraction score precisely measures the driver's use of their smartphone. The DriveKit SDK identifies phone manipulations, phone calls, and the audio system used for a call.



We measure driving efficiency in order to help drivers reduce their fuel consumption without increasing the trip duration.


Our approach compares the measured driving speed with an optimal speed profile. The eco-driving score represents the difference between the energy consumed and the minimum energy achievable for each trip.

Reduce phone distraction by up to 30%

Didactic and accurate driving scores

The movement of a vehicle is governed by the laws of fundamental physics.


For analyzing driving behavior, we take into account crucial variables that describe the vehicle's motion, employing physical models in the process.


We have designed clear and fair driving scores and driving indicators in order to educate drivers and to promote a sustainable driving style.

Illustration of the explainable driving scores DriveQuant
Useful to drivers

Driver profile


Driver coaching

Road accident detection

Crash detection

Transportation mode recognition

All-in-one mobility solution

Illustration of the indicators of the customizable offer and coaching DriveQuant

Identify driving habits

  • Driving habits
  • Performance statistics
  • Improvement history
  • Risk evaluation

Our platform provides three reliable driving scores for each trip: safety score, distraction score and eco-driving score.


It also performs statistical processing and maintains a history of driving scores to identify with high accuracy the policyholder's driving profile.


All these driving indicators are critical connected insurance and road safety initiatives.

Launch digital road safety initiatives

  • Ranking
  • Challenge
  • Driving tips
  • Individual reports

To reduce road risk, drivers should stay engaged in the program as long as possible. That's why we have developed innovative services such as driving challenges. They motivate the community to continue their efforts and improve their driving behavior.


For at-risk drivers, our in-app coaching based on machine learning help them improve with direct feedback.

Protect drivers with a life-saving feature

  • 100% smartphone
  • Compatible with beacons
  • Accelerate claims management
  • Driver assistance

In addition to our driver behavior analysis, the DriveKit SDK offers crash detection. The service relies on the phone's sensors to identify collisions.


When a driver is involved in a car accident, an alert is sent to the insurer's platform. The insurer can take the right decision based on the crash data and send emergency services or roadside assistance depending on the severity of the crash. 

Measure all forms of mobility

  • Alternative mobility
  • Public transport
  • Driver identification
  • CO2 compensation

We analyse the signals from the smartphone's sensors to determine whether the driver is in a car or using a secondary mode of transport such as a bicycle, bikes, bus or train.

Understanding the means of mobility enables to better understand the habits of policyholders and tailor your offers to their needs.

In addition, identifying the mode of transport (bike, train, bus) makes it possible to assess the reductions in CO2 emissions generated, which helps to encourage users to adopt more sustainable modes of travel.

The advantages of our driving scores



Our platform analyses the signals recorded by the smartphone's sensors. It corrects them if necessary in order to build reliable and simple indicators that can be correlated with road risk. It processes data from several thousand smartphone models spread over the 5 continents.



Our driving scores are based on scientific and physical models. We use fundamental relationships that explain the link between driving style observed by speed measurement and road risk or fuel consumption. This is a transparent approach that simplifies the exploitation of our data.



We consider contextual trip conditions, including weather and road type, as parameters that the driver cannot control but are utilized to contextualize their scores. Our models also factor in vehicle characteristics.



Our behaviour analysis is the most advanced solution on the market. The DriveKit SDK captures all types of driving events: harsh brakings, hard speedings, fuel consumption and distracted driving. Our driving analysis is performed based on more than 200 driving indicators collected for each trip. 

Simple access to data


We provide insurers documented application programming interfaces (APIs) to access data from their drivers or driver groups. It is possible to access raw data, driving indicators as well as statistical and historical aggregations of driving data.



DriveQuant's driving scores and contextual indicators are extensive and specific. We help insurance companies incorporate these scores into their underwriting models to launch connected car insuranceprograms. 

How can high-risk drivers be monitored with driving scores?

Video cover

Make an informed decision

How many driving scores do you provide?

Our driving behavior analysis platform provides three driving scores as standard: a safety score, a distraction score and an eco-driving score. Optionally, we provide a fourth score linked to speed limits.

How do you measure the safety score?

The safety score is based on harsh accelerations, hard brakings and the vehicle's limits of adherence.

How do you measure the distraction score?

Based on sensors in smartphones, we detect manipulations of the phone and calls received or made when the vehicle is in motion. The distraction score is calculated based on the number of distraction events detected and their duration.

How do you measure the eco-driving score?

The eco-driving score represents the energy efficiency ratio between (1) the energy consumed to cover a distance measured by the phone's sensors (calculated physically) and (2) the energy required to complete the same journey with an energy-optimized speed profile, maintaining iso-distance and iso-time.
For instance, achieving a score of 8/10 indicates that it would have been feasible to conserve 20% of energy by simply adjusting your driving habits, such as avoiding abrupt accelerations, anticipating braking, and maintaining a consistent speed whenever possible.

How to follow the evolution of the driving scores of your customers/users?

We provide you with a dashboard in which you will find all your user's driving data including their driving scores, their rankings, and optionally their trips. To find out more about the functionalities of our dashboard, consult the dedicated page.
It is also possible to get the data directly on your backend via API or automated push system.

What driving data is visible to my customers/users in the app?

The application limits the services visible to end users based on the services you subscribed to. Users can view enabled scores as set up within the app. Additionally, to increase user engagement, we provide a weekly, monthly, and annual comprehensive summary of their driving performance. Detailed information about each trip, including fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, mileage tracking, and their position within the community ranking, is also accessible.