Make the right decision.

Mobile app
SDK DriveKit
Driving scores
Crash detection

What are the features of the white label application?

With our white label application, you benefit from all of our driver behavior analysis services including scoring, driving challenges, automatic crash detection, coaching, eco-driving, fuel estimation, CO2 emissions, mileage tracking.

Can I choose to include only certain services?

Yes. You have the choice to include in your application only the services you need or want to offer to your customers/users.

How does the mobile application contribute to improve road safety?

Our app measures the driving behavior of your customers/users. For each trip made, we calculate a safety score, a distraction score and an eco-driving score. The app also provides personalized driving tips based on driving style.

Do users have to manually start the analysis of a trip?

No. Once the app is set up by the user and battery optimizations are disabled, trip detection is automatic. The drivers do not have to take any action to benefit from our services which work in the background on their phone.

How can I access the driving data of my customers/users?

We offer a dedicated dashboard where you can access all the driving data of your users, including their driving scores, rankings, and optionally, detailed trip information. For a more detailed overview of the dashboard's functionalities, we recommend visiting the dedicated page.
Alternatively, you have the option to retrieve the data directly on your backend through API or set up an automated push system to receive the data seamlessly.

Which driving data is accessible to my customers/users within the app?

The application limits the services visible to end users based on the services you have selected. Users can view enabled scores as set up within the app. Additionally, to increase user engagement, we provide a weekly, monthly, and annual comprehensive summary of their driving performance. Detailed information about each trip, including fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, mileage tracking, and their position within the community ranking, is also accessible.

Is the mobile application compatible with all types of vehicles?

Yes, the mobile application is compatible with all vehicles since it is the driver via his smartphone who is the carrier of our solution. When the user configures the application for the first time, he is invited to select the type of vehicle he drives (brand, model, year) in order to obtain measurements closer to his real vehicle.

What are the customization options offered?

Our white label application is fully customizable and configurable. You have control over the logos, icons, colors and of course the name of the app. It is also possible to reorganize the menus, or add a shortcut to a web page in your environment.

How do I distribute the app to my customers?

Once the application is configured and personalized according to your guidelines, you can distribute the application on the App Store for iPhone owners and on the PlayStore for Android phone owners.

Is the app compatible with all phones?

Yes. Our white label app is compatible with over 95% of Android phones and 100% of iPhones. The compatibility of our services has already been tested on more than 700 different phone models.

How is driving data collected?

Our driving behavior analysis service relies on phone sensors (GPS, accelerometer, inertial measurement unit and gyroscope) to measure more than 200 indicators including hard accelerations, harsh brakings, limits of adherence and even detect road crashes.

What features are included in the SDK?

Our SDK DriveKit includes all of our driving behavior analysis services including trips details, scoring, driving summaries, driving challenges, automatic road crash detection, coaching, eco-driving, mileage tracking, fuel consumption estimation, estimation of tire/brake wear.

Can I activate only certain services?

Yes. You have the choice to include in your application only the services you need or want to offer to your customers/users.

How does the SDK help to improve road safety?

Our SDK DriveKit measures the driving behavior of your customers/users. For each trip made, we calculate a safety score and a distraction score. The app displays personalized driving tips based on driving style.

Do users have to manually trigger the driving analysis before each trip?

No. Your drivers do not have to do anything to benefit from our driving behavior analysis services. It runs in the background on their phone.

How is driving data collected?

Our driving behavior analysis service uses phone sensors (GPS, accelerometer, inertial unit and gyroscope) to measure more than 200 indicators including hard accelerations, harsh brakings, limits of adherence and even detect road crashes. 

What applications is the SDK compatible with?

Our DriveKit SDK is compatible with all mobile applications, on both iOS and Android platforms. We offer comprehensive documentation that provides detailed technical instructions, along with one demo app to facilitate a smooth onboarding process. Our SDK is also designed to integrate seamlessly with most cross-platform frameworks. Additionally, we provide specific gateways for React technology, ensuring compatibility and ease of integration.

How to integrate the SDK DriveKit?

To streamline the integration of our SDK into your application, we have developed highly comprehensive public documentation. This resource empowers you to seamlessly integrate the SDK within a working day. In the event that you encounter any challenges during the integration process, our team is readily available to provide assistance and support.

How can I consult the driving data of my customers/users?

We offer a dedicated dashboard where you can access all the driving data of your users, including their driving scores, rankings, and optionally, detailed trip information. For a more detailed overview of the dashboard's functionalities, we recommend visiting the dedicated page.
Alternatively, you have the option to retrieve the data directly on your backend through API or set up an automated push system to receive the data seamlessly.

What is a beacon?

A beacon is a Bluetooth transmitter whose signal is recognized by the phone. Placed in the glove compartment of the vehicle, it limits data collection to the vehicle in which the beacon is placed. It is a battery-powered transmitter. It does not collect data. The smartphone/beacon combination can therefore be used to record the trips of a single vehicle.

Is it necessary to pair a beacon?

The beacon does not pair with the phone. We simply ask the user to go into the application settings and enter the ID key written on the beacon so that our application recognises the beacon. The user then simply needs to place the beacon in the glove compartment of the vehicle.

What is a beacon used for?

Our smartphone technology does not require a beacon to work. Adding a beacon simply allows to identify a user's vehicle with certainty. Thus, if your client has two vehicles, only one of which is insured with you, the beacon will serve as an identification tool. Only trips made in the vehicle where the beacon is placed will be registered.

Does the beacon collect driving data?

No. The beacon does not collect any driving data. It is only used to identify with certainty a vehicle.

How to install a beacon in a vehicle?

A beacon does not require any specific installation or connection to the car. Just put it in the glove box of the vehicle.

Are beacons compatible with all cars?

Yes. You just need to place the beacon in the vehicle's glove box.

How many driving scores do you provide?

Our driving behavior analysis platform provides three driving scores as standard: a safety score, a distraction score and an eco-driving score. Optionally, we provide a fourth score linked to speed limits.

How do you measure the safety score?

The safety score is based on harsh accelerations, hard brakings and the vehicle's limits of adherence

How do you measure the distraction score?

Based on sensors in smartphones, we detect manipulations of the phone and calls received or made when the vehicle is in motion. The distraction score is calculated based on the number of distraction events detected and their duration.

How do you measure the eco-driving score?

The eco-driving score represents the energy efficiency ratio between (1) the energy consumed to cover a distance measured by the phone's sensors (calculated physically) and (2) the energy required to complete the same journey with an energy-optimized speed profile, maintaining iso-distance and iso-time.
For instance, achieving a score of 8/10 indicates that it would have been feasible to save 20% of energy by simply adjusting your driving habits, such as avoiding abrupt accelerations, anticipating braking, and maintaining a consistent speed whenever possible.

How to follow the evolution of the driving scores of your customers/users?

We provide you with a dashboard in which you will find all your user's driving data including their driving scores, their rankings, and optionally their trips. To find out more about the functionalities of our dashboard, consult the dedicated page.

It is also possible to get the data directly on your backend via API or automated push system.

What driving data is visible to my customers/users in the app?

The application limits the services visible to end users based on the services you selected. Users can view enabled scores as set up within the app. Additionally, to increase user engagement, we provide a weekly, monthly, and annual comprehensive summary of their driving performance. Detailed information about each trip, including fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, mileage tracking, and their position within the community ranking, is also accessible.

How is the dashboard presented?

Our dashboard is a user-friendly web interface that provides a comprehensive view of customer/user behavior indicators. It allows you to administer your users, send them messages, track their rankings, and create challenges.

Who has access to the dashboard?

Access to the dashboard is limited to the project manager and the administrators designated by the project manager. The project manager can add administrators to the interface to grant them access.

Can administrator access rights be revoked?

Certainly! To remove administrator rights, simply navigate to the user's profile within the dashboard and disable their administrator privileges.

I want to launch driving challenges, how can I do this?

Our dashboard empowers you to independently set up, organize, manage, and conclude driving challenges. You have the freedom to choose the challenge theme, determine the number of trips and the minimum required distance. Furthermore, you can create driver groups to target specific populations if desired.

Is crash detection supported by all smartphones?

Our service can be installed on all Android phones that support at least Android 8, and all iPhones that support at least iOS 12.

Does crash detection work everywhere?

There is no geographical limitation. The only requirement is that the area must be covered by a GPS signal. In fact, measuring GPS speed is essential to capture a vehicle's displacement and to analyze its behavior during and after an accident.

Does the smartphone need to be connected to a mobile network?

Mobile network and mobile data are essential to guarantee the immediate analysis of the data on our platform as well as the transmission of the information to an assistance platform. If the phone is not connected to mobile data, the accident data will be retained and transmitted automatically as soon as the phone is reconnected.

When is crash detection active?

Crash detection is active continuously while a trip is being recorded. Trip recording is automatically triggered by the DriveKit SDK, which can detect a vehicle's displacement even when the application is running in the background.

Does it drain the phone battery?

Energy consumption is marginal. The application doesn’t drain the phone's battery except when the policyholder is driving. In that case, power consumption is mainly due to the use of the GPS sensor. The on-device crash detection service doesn’t increase the battery consumption.

What are the data collected?

To detect and confirm an accident, the data recorded and transmitted to the analysis platform are as follows: 40 seconds of GPS data (sampled at 1 Hz) and 15 seconds of acceleration data (sampled at 100 Hz) centered on the instant of collision.

How are data transmitted?

The data is transmitted via an API to your assistance or claims management platform.

How long does it take to confirm an accident?

Collision detection on the phone is instantaneous. It then takes 20 seconds to record the post-collision data before sending it to the analysis platform. Processing on the platform takes less than a second. As soon as the crash is confirmed, the info is sent to the insurer's platform. Overall, it takes less than 30 seconds from the time of collision to get crash data on your platform.

Is it possible to adapt the crash detection according to the use case?

We have integrated a supervisor that can reject collisions based on speed and force at the moment of impact. These values can be finetuned according to your needs.

Is crash detection reliable at very low speeds?

The lower the speed, the less energy is transmitted to the phone's accelerometer. Accident detection is therefore less effective at low speeds (under 10 km/h). This limitation is not critical for assistance purposes, since the collision is not very severe and generally does not involve physical injury.

Can an alert be generated if the driver drops his phone?

No, data processing algorithms can differentiate between a dropped phone and a shock caused by an accident.

How can I avoid sending emergency calls in the event of a false positive?

If an accident is confirmed on our platform, the information is sent back to the SDK installed in the policyholder's mobile application. This signal triggers the smartphone to share the vehicle's location. This is a way to find out whether the driver is continuing his trip after the accident. If so, there's no need to call the emergency services.

Is it possible to check that the driver is all right?

Yes, when an accident is confirmed on our platform, the information is returned to the SDK installed in the policyholder's mobile application. This signal can trigger a notification to ask the driver if he needs assistance. If he doesn't respond after 60 seconds, it's probably time to call for help.